Introduction to GT test kit
Questions &Answers |
Questions in general&consuming
- Test tubes with micro-biological vegetables like garlic
and onion for example gives a equally dark/or darker
color than the comparison test tube, even though the
farmer insisted that no insecticides were used, and only
naturally extracted chemicals were used. Answer
- Tested a sample of pepper that
reportedly did not contain any insecticide and found
it to be unsafe (darker than or as dark as the reference
test tube). Sample may or may not be rejected. Answer
- A sample of vegetable was tested
unsafe by the GT test kit, but the standard lab test
found it safe. Answer
- Vegetable grown using microbiological-farming
style using Neem tree-extracted chemical spray. When
harvested, the buy used GT test kit and found that
most of the produce gives a slightly darker or as darks
as the reference test tube, except the onion which
gives a matching color and darkness. Answer
- Used the GT test kit to test consumption-ready
food, how should the result be interpreted?Answer
- Is the GT test kit capable of
testing water and soil? And how should the results
be interpreted? Answer
- Drinking water might be contaminated;
will the GT test kit work? Answer
- GT test kit with 10 tests and
30 tests respectively did not test properly. Answer
- Why the modified tray in GTs equipment has been opened for hour
but the temperature was not at specific point 35 celsius?Answer
- Why the light in modified stove open does for hour, the water was
not boiling?Answer
- What is organic agriculture?Answer
- Is organic agriculture necessarily checked for pesticide residue? Answer
- Why the result of pesticide residue testing in organic vegetable
still had the pesticide residue even it was not used with any pesticides?
and what is suitable standard control for organic vegetable? Answer
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